Eli5: Why do we yell when we throw up?


Eli5: Why do we yell when we throw up?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vomiting is caused by the muscles of the diagphragm clenching and pushing down hard on the stomach. Those same muscles are the ones most people naturally use when screaming or shouting (except to compress the lungs).

In addition, vomiting is associated with a feeling of discomfort, that may already be causing the person to moan or groan or vocalize in some other way.

Add those two together, and it can be easy to learn a “shouting” type thing during throwing up. But it can be unlearned, if one tries hard enough. Not everyone does it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So we don’t breathe in our puke. “Yelling” while vomiting forces air out of your lungs which prevents vomit from entering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have never heard of yelling while throwing up, is that a thing that actually happens?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have no idea what you mean. I have never yelled while throwing up. Gag noise, and liquid-y noises for sure, but why would anyone yell?