Eli5: why do you keep baseballs, footballs, hockey pucks in the US when they go into the crowd?


It’s not really a thing, here, to do so. People will occasionally run off with sports balls, etcetera, but it’s not a commonplace thing.

Or is keeping these items just something we (people outside the US) see in movies or on news stories that make it seem like a regular thing?

When did it become a thing if it is a commonplace thing? Or has it always been a thing?

If it was always a thing, then isn’t it weird that the baseball league would be willing to let kids take home free baseballs when a famous athlete literally played in no shoes, and was nicknamed for it?

So many questions…

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the answers given, ice hockey pucks are kept cold. They keep them in a freezer, usually in the penalty box, and it isn’t that they wear out so much they need constant replacement as much as that they warm up and become too soft to behave as they do when cold.

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