Eli5: why do you keep baseballs, footballs, hockey pucks in the US when they go into the crowd?


It’s not really a thing, here, to do so. People will occasionally run off with sports balls, etcetera, but it’s not a commonplace thing.

Or is keeping these items just something we (people outside the US) see in movies or on news stories that make it seem like a regular thing?

When did it become a thing if it is a commonplace thing? Or has it always been a thing?

If it was always a thing, then isn’t it weird that the baseball league would be willing to let kids take home free baseballs when a famous athlete literally played in no shoes, and was nicknamed for it?

So many questions…

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9 Answers

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It’s typically only baseballs and pucks that fans are allowed to keep. Basketballs and footballs are usually retrieved from the fans and returned to play.

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