eli5: Why do you produce so much saliva when you eat sour food?


eli5: Why do you produce so much saliva when you eat sour food?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body is trying to protect itself

You perceive acidic food as being sour. While minor acids for a short period are harmless, more intense acids or having a lot can lead to irritation or even mouth ulcers. By diluting the acid with saliva, your body is protecting itself the best it can

Anonymous 0 Comments

Saliva is like a lubricant, when you eat something your mouth covers the chewed food in saliva so that when you swallow you dont choke.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sour flavor is from acid. The response to produce more saliva helps dilute the acid to protect your teeth and your digestive tract.

The sour food has a whole bunch of excess protons going wild and your saliva gathers them up and gives them something to do other than eat away at your body.