Eli5: Why do you vomit so quickly from food poisoning after ingesting bacteria contaminated food?


Eli5: Why do you vomit so quickly from food poisoning after ingesting bacteria contaminated food?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evolution. Your body has developed involuntary reflexes to many dangerous stimuli. You blink and flinch to things that are potentially dangerous. If your finger tip feels a combination of heat, pressure, pain, you move your whole arm and finger away from the feeling, and your whole attention is focused on it. When your taste buds, smell-cells, acid and chemical, texture, whatever…come together when you are swallowing, it makes your body do the PUKE NOW THIS IS DANGEROUS reaction, just like your body did the HOT, MOVE, DAMAGE! on the stove.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the type of poisoning. Some are quick. Others can take up to a few days to kick in.

A lot of the pathogens that cause vomiting quickly are effectively irritants. They have tiny legs called flagella all over them. They irritate and your body tries to get rid as quickly as possible

Anonymous 0 Comments

The metabolic products given off by multiplying bacteria can inflame the stomach and/or intestinal tract. This sends a strong signal to your brain that you’ve ingested something toxic, which sets off the vomiting reflex.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body recognizes “Something bad” has been ingested and it’s natural response to this is to “Yeet” whatever that is to avoid it doing further damage.
Some things have a slower reaction rate to others. Which varies the time it takes for the yeet to happen.