Eli5: Why does 60 degrees inside feel way cooler than 60 degrees outside?


Assuming no wind 60 degrees outside feels decently warm however when the ac is set to 60 degrees I feel like I need a jacket.

In: 3186

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone is talking about humidity but that isn’t really the answer here.

While it does impact perception of temp, it’s probably not the biggest factor.

Air temp, wind speed and radiant heat all effect the perceived temperature.

Radiant temps are much higher outside particularly when you’re not in the shade as you have the radiant energy from the sun.

Inside the walls are probably colder than you and so the radiant energy flows from you to the surfaces

Also if you’re outside you’re usually moving rather than sitting still. This hugely effects comfortable temps.

Sitting still in the shade outside at 60 degrees you would probably feel cold.

So unless there is a difference in humidity the answer is almost certainly radiant heat and different levels of activity.

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