Eli5: Why does 60 degrees inside feel way cooler than 60 degrees outside?


Assuming no wind 60 degrees outside feels decently warm however when the ac is set to 60 degrees I feel like I need a jacket.

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26 Answers

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We are talking g about two different ways of interpreting temperature. First there’s ambient vs. Radiant heat. Ambient heat is room temperature and temperature in the shade. Radiant heat is heat temperatures coming directly from the sun, coming off hot assault, or a burning fire. While the ambient temperature may read 60* outside, in direct sunlight walking over a black tarmac you will be subjected to different temperatures.

Other factors that are present out side vs inside would be relative humidity. When an AC is running inside, a side effect is that moisture is being drawn out of the air. So the experienced 60* in doors will be at a lower humidity level than what might be out doors. Generally we experience higher humidity as stuffy, hard to breathe, and more difficult to cool down. In high humidity situations, the ambient temperature is more easily applied to the body, because heat transfers better through moist air than dry air. It’s why steaming vegetables is much faster at a lower temperature than roasting them in the oven.

Finnally we have the other experienced phenomena that may lead to the perception that it is cooler inside at 60* than outside. This would be our bodies’ instead ability to acclimate to different surrounding. Acclimating is really nothing more than our brains’ perception of hot and cold. Considder this, spend all day in an ice house, getting yourself chilled to the bone. Go inside where there’s a room temperature bath. Put yourself in that bath and you’ll experience the sensation of being boiled alive.

Conversely, spend all day outside in 110* heat, under direct sun light with 100% humidity, sweating a storm from all over your body. Go inside and place yourself in that same room temperature 60* bath…. you will feel yourself freezing to death, complete with shivers, chattering teeth, goosebumps, the whole proction.

But in reality, you aren’t actually experiencing either of these extremes. The temperature of the water is as it always was, a cool but comfortable 60*

The same can be said for indoor vs out door temperature. Stay inside where the ac may be blasting you all day, body cools down as a result, step outside where the air is now dead still, a little muggy, and even if the heat isn’t radiating, the contrast will be precieved as a marked shift in tempreture, even if the ambiants is also 60*

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