Eli5: Why does 60 degrees inside feel way cooler than 60 degrees outside?


Assuming no wind 60 degrees outside feels decently warm however when the ac is set to 60 degrees I feel like I need a jacket.

In: 3186

26 Answers

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There’s a few reasons:

When outdoors you are moving around, exposed to direct sunlight, and expect to be cooler.

Moving generates a lot of heat. Indoors, a 60 degree room can be perfect for vigorous exercise, but feels cold if sitting still and working or learning at a desk.

Being exposed to direct sunlight, even when the air is cold, can result in you gaining a good amount of heat. Sunlight is turned into heat when it strikes something.

You also expect the outdoors to be cool or cold. You dress for it, and unless it’s exceptional won’t take any special note of being chilled outdoors instead of inside.

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