Eli5: Why does a camera have to flash and time it perfectly when it takes a picture? Can’t the light just stay on?


Eli5: Why does a camera have to flash and time it perfectly when it takes a picture? Can’t the light just stay on?

In: 4956

26 Answers

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A bright light will cause people to squint. A quick flash is over before you have the chance to react.

If you want a super clear and bright image, you want to capture as short of a slice of time as possible. On a lot of older photos you’ll notice the image is clear, but any bright spots or lights are “smeared out” into squiggly streaks. This is because a lot of cameras had a bit longer exposure times, possibly because it wasn’t very adjustable or because it was very imprecise (no eay for the camera to tell how much it would need), and the flash is ehat gives you the short bright clear image. So it’s capturing light, then flashing, then capturing some more, and then closing the capture.

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