eli5: Why does a car spinout if the wheel is completely straight during hydroplaining?


Lets say you are traveling at a speed of 80, and there are no other variables like braking and acceleration, and you hit a giant puddle with the wheels COMPLETELY straight, why would the car suddenly jerk in one direction causing a spinout? Shouldn’t the car just continue in the direction of the wheels regardless of traction loss?

In: 4

21 Answers

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Because it is unlikely that each wheel will encounter exactly the same depth of water that it is hydroplaning on, and it is unlikely that the roadway would be level… because roads are built with a crown to shed water.

That crown means that if there is standing water it is guaranteed to be deeper on one side than the other.

Aside from that, if the water depth is equal, the road is flat, no wind, no braking, steering or accelerating – then there would be no reason for it to spin out.

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