eli5: Why does a person urinate more in winters than in comparison to summers?


eli5: Why does a person urinate more in winters than in comparison to summers?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Urination is the bodies way of disposing of excess/waste water.

In the summer, it is typically hotter and people sweat more, so more of the water in your body will be evaporating away through sweat.

In the winter, it is colder and people sweat less, so the water that would have been sweated and out evaporate will instead stay in the body and need disposed of elsewhere – urination being the main method.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The cold causes the body to close capillaries to reduce the loss of heat. That means the blood gets concentrated in the core of the body. This raises the blood pressure. The mitigate that the kidneys will work double time to reduce the volume of blood causing you to want to pee more. It’s also what happens to scuba divers.