Eli5: Why does an IV of fluids make you feel so much better than drinking the same amount of fluids?


I know it goes into your body faster but an IV seems to make me feel miraculously better even if I drink fluids and wait.

In: 21

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you drink fluids your body absorbs them slowly, and when you get an IV the body gets them more quickly. Think of in the family car, driving to the highway, getting on the highway and slowly accelerating to 150 kph. Now think of driving along an empty road, coming to a full stop, and slamming on the gas and shooting up to 125 kph. You might be going faster in the first instance, but the second feels faster.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the fluid is going straight into your blood and your blood isn’t having to use excess energy & part of the digestive to get it there. Normally water is absorbed from the walls small intestine & then goes into the blood stream. Going from an IV is a super fast short cut.
Then your blood passes the renal system (kidneys) to process out toxins & excess liquid – the waste becomes urine.

Short cut.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I never really thought that it was “better”, I havent noticed if anything.

Can anyone confirm the post? Or is it just OP?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pretty simple – no digestion lag. If you’re dehydrated and feeling bad (thirsty, dry mouth, headache), what you’re lacking is fluid in circulation. IV is going straight into circulation and works fast as it goes in pretty much to bring up blood pressure. Drinking requires that water to pass into your gut and get absorbed, and that takes a bit of time. It also requires a gut that’s working well, so if you’ve got gastro or are in shock you’re not likely to be absorbing optimally, even if you can keep it down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the stomach barrier vs direct injection difference, don’t most IV fluids contain electrolytes?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because of what you said. It enters the body and rehydrates the cells so much faster.

Have you ever had an injury of any type? Sprain? Broken bone? A bruise or sore muscle even?

Do you think you’d feel even better if you healed in a minute or if the same amount of healing took place over days?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You said it, it gets into the bloodstream faster. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your osmoreceptors that detect fluid balance in your brain quickly stop panicking and thus stop telling other things in your body to panic so they then also calm down, making you feel better.