eli5 (Why) does astro turf cause more injuries?


I hear this regularly said that astro turf causes injuries, from all levels from my amateur football team to hearing professional football pundits mentioning it when a pitch is 3G or whatever. I have never heard a reason for why this might be and I know a lot of these sports myths get propogated, I am wondering if its true and if so, why?

In: 7

12 Answers

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All of the comments about the astroturf not having any give or absorbing like dirt would are spot on. That explains many various injuries, especially ACL tears and broken bones. But one other thing to mention, astroturf itself is very abrasive. Sliding and diving on grass, the grass is fairly soft. But if you slide or dive on astroturf, it’s basically like sliding on a rug. The astroturf will scratch, scrape, and even cut you, sometimes very badly. It’s why you see NFL receivers with tape up and down their entire arms.

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