Eli5- Why does cancer predominantly affect organs rather than muscle?


Why do you never hear of someone with calf cancer or bicep cancer but rather cancer affecting the organs or blood?

In: 287

10 Answers

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Muscle tissue doesn’t really reproduce. A lot of cancers develop in areas where there is a lot of cellular production or reproduction – mucosal layers, skin, etc. Like heart cancer is rare, but possible. In multiple myeloma, it’s not a cell reproducing like crazy but producing a certain protein that is out of control.

Kind of think of it as where there is more activity, more things can go wrong. Most muscle cells, if they do reproduce, it is very slowly, so low chance for cancer. Blood cancers are typically over production of white blood cells, or red blood cells (rarer), lymph cells etc. The problem there is if you try to shut down the cells that make blood cells it shuts down all blood production.

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