Eli5 Why does driving fast in a car feel quicker than flying in a plane?


Despite a plane going much, much faster?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a car you can feel the fluctuations. And in a car you can see the scenery moving rapidly.

In an airplane you see stuff changing very slowly despite moving near the speed of sound.

It’s all about thinking changing scenery being equivalent to movement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

this is because in a plane you do not have any reference of movement other than the ground 7 miles under you!…whereas in a car, you see things (signs, trees etc…) whiz by you 20ft away hence the reference. Then you have to take in account you can feel the road whereas a plane you dont.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the same as why a space ship doesn’t feel fast while in space. There is less to compare position to and less sensory input to help process the experience. Just like driving a small sports car at 70mph and driving a full size SUV at 70mph. The SUV feels slower because it is setup for a smoother ride and less feedback. The sports car is suffer for better feedback and response.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The closer the objects are, the faster they move, giving you the feeling of speed. If the plane was flying really low, you would notice it’s pretty fast. That’s because we can’t really feel speed, we can only feel acceleration. You can feel being sucked into your seat when taking off. That’s also why we can race on our planet through the solar system and we don’t feel it, because the distances are too big for us to notice anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because humans don’t really gauge speed without any visual cues. What we feel is the change of speed or acceleration (and you do feel that with the plane).

Try driving on an autobahn for a few hours and something like a 100 miles per hour will feel very slow when everyone else is going faster.

Also you don’t feel any speed standing on earth that’s going at thousands miles an hour but if the earth was to suddenly accelerate x2 you’d feel that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You ever drove in a kart? It is not that fast, but you are so close to the ground that it feels very fast.