ELI5, Why does game development take so long?


I’ve dabbled very briefly before with game development personally but I am largely unknowing, so please take me as an extreme laymen.

As the title says, why does game development take so long? Specifically, games used to take a year to develop but now they take 3+ years for AAA games. I understand the improvement of gaming systems requires greater detail but shouldn’t that be offset by the improvements of technology/ development tools?

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9 Answers

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Some things have certainly gotten much better and faster, but other things have gotten much more complicated.

Yeah you can procedurally generate trees now instead of manually crafting dozens of unique models.

But, you have to record 100,000 lines of dialogue now instead of just one guy in Japan making Link’s Hyeeps and Hyuuups.

Yeah you can get a bunch of off-the-shelf physics engine components rather than developing them from scratch.

But, you have to make sure it works for the thousands of physics enabled objects of various densities you’re placing in the world.

The complexity has ramped up faster than the toolsets, and games have larger scope than ever.

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