eli5-why does getting discharged from hospital take so long?


I’m truly curious. Not even trying to complain, I understand the hospitals are full but like what takes so long to print paperwork?

UPDATE: Thank you all for your input and responses, it definitely helped the time pass by. We are home now. I do understand waiting is not suffering but at some point something has to give. We have an infant and toddler who had to be left with family and we were anxious to get home to them. I understand we are not the only people who have ever had to wait for discharge. I was truly curious as to what the hold up is. After getting incoming responses seeming to state that this is normal, it all got to me. This should not be normal and the patient, critical or not, should not have to get the short end of the stick. Reality or not. In a perfect world I guess.
Sorry to all the underpaid, over worked staff.

In: 241

54 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Sounds like an American thing. At least dependant on area. Discharges take like 15 minutes in my country, once they decided your well enough to go home.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a hospital as a very large and complicated supermarket.

The patient is like a shopping cart that gets filled as you go through that very large supermarket. When you get to the checkout counter, they have to price check everything and make sure that everything that was purchased is counted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nurses have other patients they have to attend to. They also have to make sure they have all the appropriate patient education printed out for you and and prescriptions you need available. They want you gone just as much as you want to get out, lol.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a hospital as a very large and complicated supermarket.

The patient is like a shopping cart that gets filled as you go through that very large supermarket. When you get to the checkout counter, they have to price check everything and make sure that everything that was purchased is counted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nurses have other patients they have to attend to. They also have to make sure they have all the appropriate patient education printed out for you and and prescriptions you need available. They want you gone just as much as you want to get out, lol.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Sounds like an American thing. At least dependant on area. Discharges take like 15 minutes in my country, once they decided your well enough to go home.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m assuming you’re in the US?

Tons of paperwork (or computer work, now). This is all for the lawyers. Docs required to discharge paperwork but they’re either tied up in surgery or in clinic.

All the documentation and bureaucracy is due to lawyers. We so badly need tort reform, it’s never happening because lawyers are also the legislators.

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