eli5 Why does GPU heats and use fan to cooldown while processing 8k video on PC and there is no single fan in a TV and still process 8k/4k videos?


In short, why does the the TV doesn’t need a fan to cooldown and PC requires one while dealing with high definition videos?

In: 1359

44 Answers

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assuming by “processing” you mean playing a video, then your GPU is probably broken or the manufacturer got dumb and didnt include fan-stop mode. so when doing very lightweight work, like playing a video, the fan still spins. both PC GPU and TV have special hardware that’s super efficient for playing videos.

the ELI5 is:

both TV and GPU have a person, let’s call him/her “Vidmaster” who is very smart/capable/efficient in playing videos. so this vidmaster can do the work required to play videos without sweating at all. So Vidmaster can work with comfort even without the air conditioner being turned on.

the problem is that some office (in your case, a PC) didn’t have the ability to turn off the air conditioning. so when vidmaster is working, he/she is stuck with the air conditioner turned on.

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