eli5 Why does GPU heats and use fan to cooldown while processing 8k video on PC and there is no single fan in a TV and still process 8k/4k videos?


In short, why does the the TV doesn’t need a fan to cooldown and PC requires one while dealing with high definition videos?

In: 1359

44 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m reading responses and most of them are misleading if i understood correctly your question. When you refer to your tv, you mean a smart tv, for example, opening an 8k/4k content from a pendrive right?. If that’s the case, you’re right, 4k/8k video is compressed. Internal SoCs (System on Chip, basically the CPU and lots of integrated components in it), usually have dedicated engines (circuits specifically designed to process that specific codec). Doing it using dedicated hardware is more energy efficient and thus, generates less heat. GPUs on the other side, have support for certain codecs, but it’s not oriented to do that, but playing games and stuff. Those formats not compatible with the decoding engines integrated in the GPU or CPU, need to be processed by software, using more energy, then generating more heat.

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