eli5 Why does GPU heats and use fan to cooldown while processing 8k video on PC and there is no single fan in a TV and still process 8k/4k videos?


In short, why does the the TV doesn’t need a fan to cooldown and PC requires one while dealing with high definition videos?

In: 1359

44 Answers

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Had a TV that started to malfunction intermittently (Vizio don’t remember exact model). I bought it from Costco and when I called about fixing it they just sent me a new one. So I googled it and saw that it was actually common problem that the processor could overheat melting some of the solder causing a short. Solution was to literally pull the board and put it in a toaster oven at 400 for about 10 minutes to reflow the solder. Fixed the problem and I put a little 12v muffin fan behind the processor and it has worked just fine since.

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