Eli5 Why does having a brain with more wrinkles make you smarter?


I’ve heard it explained as a density problem but that doesn’t make sense too me either because then wouldn’t having a smooth brain mean it’s more solid?

In: 113

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Take a standard piece of paper and write some information all over one side of it. Now lay it down on the table. That information covers up 8.5×11 inches.

Now, take that paper and fold it in half lengthwise. Now that same information only covers 4.25×11″. Fold it again but widthwise. Now it covers 4.25×5.5″. You can keep folding that paper until it wont bend any more and it will take up less and less space.

But, you have the original 8.5×11″ piece of table to fill with information. So, you get more papers and fill them with more information and fold them. Then put them against the first paper. How many papers filled with information even on only one side would you need to fill that original 8.5×11″ section of table?

table: skull

paper: brain

lines on paper: neurons

writing: information

information: intelligence

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