Eli5: Why does it take so little salt to season eggs vs something like potatoes where you need to add way more?


Eli5: Why does it take so little salt to season eggs vs something like potatoes where you need to add way more?

In: 37

7 Answers

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**Nature**: Eggs do have a bit more salt in them naturally.

**Proportion**: Potatoes are usually larger and heavier than eggs. Like an egg couldbe 50g, and a medium/large potato could be 200g. So to taste equally salty, it would need 4x as much salt overall (although not quite 4x added salt, because the egg has some salt naturally).

**Adhesion**: Eggs are almost always wet/sticky, so any added salt will probably stay on them. Some ways of cooking potatoes give them a dry coating, and this might make some salt fall or bounce off (like how there could be salt left at the bottom of a packet of fries).

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