Eli5: Why does light travel so fast?


Eli5: Why does light travel so fast?

In: 130

38 Answers

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Sometimes why questions kind of answer themselves. I mean what is light, really? I guess it’s the thing we use to see, but ultimately that’s secondary. There was light before there was eyes.

If you ask “why are beds slept on?”, then there’s not much to say because that’s just what bed means. You could instead ask “why do we prefer to sleep on soft comfy surfaces?”, but the original question is kind of getting it backwards.

In the same way light just is the fast stuff. It going fast is practically a defining feature. It’s not the only type of fast stuff, but beds aren’t the only thing that people sleep on.

You might ask instead “why do we use the fast stuff to see the world around us”. This is simply because having an organ that can sense the fast stuff lets us find out about things as fast as possible.

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