Eli5: Why does packing ice on the bottom of a cooler work better, and not make items at the top get too warm?


Eli5: Why does packing ice on the bottom of a cooler work better, and not make items at the top get too warm?

In: 4

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Its a two fold system.

Heat rises. So, ice in the top of the cooler will melt faster, due to radiating heat. Theres no airflow in an ice chest, so, as heat rises, it sits, and cools again

Ice works best as an insulator, its why an Igloo or ice hotel can be slept in, heat cant escape, and a cold outside can make a contact service of ice not melt. The idea is, heat radiates up, the ground will transfer heat, ice is used as an insinuating layer to keep food above it cold enough that you dont get sick from spoiled hamburger or cheese.