Eli5 why does pressing my palms against my eyes create a kaleidoscope effect?


Eli5 why does pressing my palms against my eyes create a kaleidoscope effect?

In: 3449

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

While there are plenty of valid scientific answers here, I think there’s an important question that no one is asking: do you have kaleidescopes in your hands when you do this? Because that could also explain what is going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While there are plenty of valid scientific answers here, I think there’s an important question that no one is asking: do you have kaleidescopes in your hands when you do this? Because that could also explain what is going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The part of your brain connected to your eyes only understands seeing, so when they feel something instead, your brain interprets that as colors

Anonymous 0 Comments

While there are plenty of valid scientific answers here, I think there’s an important question that no one is asking: do you have kaleidescopes in your hands when you do this? Because that could also explain what is going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Am I the only one who sees nothing?.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Am I the only one who sees nothing?.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Am I the only one who sees nothing?.