Eli5 why does pressing my palms against my eyes create a kaleidoscope effect?


Eli5 why does pressing my palms against my eyes create a kaleidoscope effect?

In: 3449

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

These are called phosphenes! They are caused by physical stimulation of the nerves in the eyes! This activates the same photoreceptors in your eyes that normally react to light and they send a signal to your brain that interprets as a visual signal. It’s basically eye static!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just something I learned recently after finally going to an optometrist, if you see a kaleidoscope effect in your vision but you haven’t rubbed your eyes it’s probably a vision migraine. They can be before during or after a real migraine or you can be an oddball like me and not have any other effects and just wonder why the hell your vision goes to shit randomly…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just something I learned recently after finally going to an optometrist, if you see a kaleidoscope effect in your vision but you haven’t rubbed your eyes it’s probably a vision migraine. They can be before during or after a real migraine or you can be an oddball like me and not have any other effects and just wonder why the hell your vision goes to shit randomly…

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a child I used to ball my fists up into my eyes and then lie on my front, falling asleep to the trippy swirls!

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a child I used to ball my fists up into my eyes and then lie on my front, falling asleep to the trippy swirls!

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a child I used to ball my fists up into my eyes and then lie on my front, falling asleep to the trippy swirls!

Anonymous 0 Comments

my eye sight is constant kaleidoscope/static but I can also see perfectly fine, sometimes I just think that my imagination is supreme bcos I can literally make shapes n see shapes n vibrations with my eyes

Anonymous 0 Comments

my eye sight is constant kaleidoscope/static but I can also see perfectly fine, sometimes I just think that my imagination is supreme bcos I can literally make shapes n see shapes n vibrations with my eyes

Anonymous 0 Comments

my eye sight is constant kaleidoscope/static but I can also see perfectly fine, sometimes I just think that my imagination is supreme bcos I can literally make shapes n see shapes n vibrations with my eyes

Anonymous 0 Comments

i used to do this for hours as a kid. i pretended i was going to space. maybe that explains why i got so into mushrooms for a little bit