eli5: why does salsa go bad so quickly?


my ketchup and hot sauce can last forever but salsa gets moldy within a week in the frig.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clarification: I use store brand salsa and a serving spoon to plate it. The salsa typically sure on the table all dinner then returned to the frig.

Also please keep your arguments about semantics to yourself. If vinegar is not one of the top three ingredients then I guess it’s not an effective preservative in my house.

RIP half a jar of salsa: thrown away but not forgotten

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my ketchup and hot sauce can last forever but salsa gets moldy within a week in the frig.

In: 0

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clarification: I use store brand salsa and a serving spoon to plate it. The salsa typically sure on the table all dinner then returned to the frig.

Also please keep your arguments about semantics to yourself. If vinegar is not one of the top three ingredients then I guess it’s not an effective preservative in my house.

RIP half a jar of salsa: thrown away but not forgotten

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