Eli5: Why does sea water kill us but electrolyte solutions actually hydrate us? Aren’t they both water + salts?


Edit: Question answered. Thanks!

Don’t be too hard on me, I almost failed chemistry:'(

In: 2220

51 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why can I drink one beer and feel a bit buzzed but if I drink 100 beers i will die?

Why does the sun warm me when I’m outside but I’m told I can’t stand on the surface of the sun?

Why does my face product contain hyaluronic acid but I can’t put sulphuric acid on my face?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolyte solutions don’t hydrate you better than pure water, the point of them is that if you only add water back to your body during physical activity your not replenishing other critical compounds that are lost or used up during says activity. Electrolyte solutions replenish those in addition to hydrating you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a huge funnel (your body) and you have to put a bunch of balls (salt) through the funnel continuously. You die if they start going over the funnel instead of down the hole at the bottom (your kidneys).

Your funnel (kidneys) can handle like 20 balls at a time. More than that, and you die.

Normally, because all things considered, you’re going through like 9 balls or so continuously. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

You have a power drink and it adds to that total of 9 balls by 1 or so . So now ten balls. No big deal. You can handle 20.

Seawater is like adding 35 balls. You can only process 20, but once you start adding in 35, your funnel can’t handle it… until it starts filling up, and spilling over, and you die.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolyte solutions don’t hydrate you better than pure water, the point of them is that if you only add water back to your body during physical activity your not replenishing other critical compounds that are lost or used up during says activity. Electrolyte solutions replenish those in addition to hydrating you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a huge funnel (your body) and you have to put a bunch of balls (salt) through the funnel continuously. You die if they start going over the funnel instead of down the hole at the bottom (your kidneys).

Your funnel (kidneys) can handle like 20 balls at a time. More than that, and you die.

Normally, because all things considered, you’re going through like 9 balls or so continuously. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

You have a power drink and it adds to that total of 9 balls by 1 or so . So now ten balls. No big deal. You can handle 20.

Seawater is like adding 35 balls. You can only process 20, but once you start adding in 35, your funnel can’t handle it… until it starts filling up, and spilling over, and you die.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a huge funnel (your body) and you have to put a bunch of balls (salt) through the funnel continuously. You die if they start going over the funnel instead of down the hole at the bottom (your kidneys).

Your funnel (kidneys) can handle like 20 balls at a time. More than that, and you die.

Normally, because all things considered, you’re going through like 9 balls or so continuously. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

You have a power drink and it adds to that total of 9 balls by 1 or so . So now ten balls. No big deal. You can handle 20.

Seawater is like adding 35 balls. You can only process 20, but once you start adding in 35, your funnel can’t handle it… until it starts filling up, and spilling over, and you die.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why can I drink one beer and feel a bit buzzed but if I drink 100 beers i will die?

Why does the sun warm me when I’m outside but I’m told I can’t stand on the surface of the sun?

Why does my face product contain hyaluronic acid but I can’t put sulphuric acid on my face?

Anonymous 0 Comments

If salt was alcohol, itd be like a glass of beer vs a glass of hard alcohol, ones much more concentrated (for simplification purposes not the same actual ratio of salt in seawater to electrolyte)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why can I drink one beer and feel a bit buzzed but if I drink 100 beers i will die?

Why does the sun warm me when I’m outside but I’m told I can’t stand on the surface of the sun?

Why does my face product contain hyaluronic acid but I can’t put sulphuric acid on my face?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolyte solutions don’t hydrate you better than pure water, the point of them is that if you only add water back to your body during physical activity your not replenishing other critical compounds that are lost or used up during says activity. Electrolyte solutions replenish those in addition to hydrating you.