Eli5: Why does sea water kill us but electrolyte solutions actually hydrate us? Aren’t they both water + salts?


Edit: Question answered. Thanks!

Don’t be too hard on me, I almost failed chemistry:'(

In: 2220

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While sea water and electrolyte solutions both contain water and salts, they have different concentrations of salts and different types of salts that affect how they interact with the body. Sea water typically has a much higher concentration of salt than the human body. Drinking sea water can actually dehydrate you because your kidneys have to work extra hard to get rid of the excess salt. As a result, the body loses more water than it gains, leading to dehydration and potentially even death.

Electrolyte solutions, on the other hand, have a balanced concentration of salts that is similar to the body’s own electrolyte balance. These solutions are designed to replace fluids and electrolytes that are lost during sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. When you drink an electrolyte solution, your body is able to absorb the water and salts more effectively, helping to rehydrate you.

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