eli5: Why does shaking a bottle of soapy water increase the pressure inside?


If I partially fill a bottle with water (even cold water), add some soap, close it up and shake it; when I open I open it back up, it tends to spurt / hiss / generally act like it was under pressure all of a sudden, even though the total volume of liquid inside is still the same.


Please and thank you xxx

In: 12

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually this comes down to water temperature.

If the water is warmer than the air, then shaking it up heats the air causing it to expand. Has nothing to do with the soap, we just usually only put hit water in a bottle, then cap and shake it when we’re also adding soap to clean it.

Add soap to cold or room temp water, let it rest a bit so the temperature really equalizes, then cap and shake. It won’t pop the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good question, changes the vapor pressure?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a still water bottle. Pour some soap into it… what happens? Nothing really just soap chilling in the water. Now shake the bottle. You have bubbles. Those bubbles are pockets of gas that formed from the interaction of the soap and the water with a little bit of added kinetic energy. The increase in gas will increase the pressure. Now your water bottle has lots of pressure compared to the outside environment. When you pop open the lid the pressure escapes outward causing that spurting/hissing you referred to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a bubble forms, it traps a certain volume of air from the ambient pressure. More specifically, a fixed mass of air.

The bubble’s walls do pull slightly on the air trapped in it, raising its pressure. This does change the volume of air, makes that air smaller that the air in the container.

That should mean the container picks of a small negative pressure, though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you sure the pressure increases? When you shake a bottle of soda, the pressure does not increase. What happens is that the shaking process creates some bubbles that serve as starting points for more dissolved gas to form bubbles that come out of the liquid.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shaking adds energy to the system which takes the form of slightly increasing the temperature of the gas trapped in the liquid, which increases its pressure.