Eli5: Why does soda taste different after being frozen and remelting?


For example getting a coke slushie and letting it melt. When you drink it, it tastes nothing like the regular soda does.

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2 Answers

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There are two things going on. The water crystallizes when it freezes and releases the carbon dioxide it’s storing. The carbon dioxide is what gives soda the bubbles and acidic taste. When the carbon dioxide is released the soda goes flat and tastes different.

The second thing is that the water and the syrup freeze at different temperatures which causes them to separate. When the soda is thawed they both become liquid again but they’re not mixed the same, that gives it a different taste.

That’s the same reason old ice cream has a different taste and texture. The ice cream melts a little each time you take it out of the freezer, when the water refreezes it separates from the other ingredients. Some of the water goes from being mixed into the food, to becoming an independent ingredient. That makes the ice cream less moist and it tastes gummy.

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