eli5 why does splitting atoms cause such an explosion?


How exactly does a nuclear bomb work as well as how does it create radiation and destroy so much with such a little action?

In: 12

10 Answers

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The strong nuclear force dun it. Atoms are made up of positive protons, negative electrons, and neutral neutrons. The strong nuclear force holds the nucleus (the center) of the atom together which is made of positive protons and neutral neutrons. This force as you might imagine is strong, really strong. All those positive protons so close to each other! its like if you were trying to force to positive ends of a magnet together! But it does! thats how strong it is.

As you might imagine that’s a of energy holding it together. a nuclear reaction is actually harvesting that energy that’s holding atom together. Splitting an atom separates it into multiple smaller ones and releases a bunch of that energy that was holding the larger atom together! Some of the particle that are produced from splitting the atom types of radiation, Alpha, Beta, depending on the size of the particle or Gamma for high energy light wave.

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