eli5 – why does tapping the top of a pop can make it fizz less? Or is that just a myth I’ve been practicing for 30+ years?


What the title says. Pop means soda btw.

In: 1560

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

While it probably does do something that has science behind it, whether it actually matters is another story. Just waiting 20-30 seconds prevents unwanted explosion better than anything else.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a myth. Gas solubility increases as temperature decreases, so if you want to avoid foamy explosions, don’t shake your cans and keep them cold before opening. Also, if you drink 2 Liters, cool them down before opening the first time to make them stay carbonated longer. If you open them warm a lot of the dissolved CO2 escapes. Also, don’t squeeze the “air” out of 2 liter bottles. If you leave them their normal shape an equilibrium will form between the CO2 gas pressure and the dissolved CO2 vapor pressure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Somewhat true. The thing you’re doing isn’t what you think you’re doing.

It is your time delay that makes it fizz less, not the tapping.

If tapping makes the brief wait more bearable, tap away.

[Here is a LiveScience clip explaining it](https://www.livescience.com/34159-tap-soda-can-carbonation.html#:~:text=Some%20people%20think%20tapping%20the,chance%20of%20generating%20more%20bubbles.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you shake a can, you make tiny bubbles. Those bubbles are under high pressure. When you open the can, the bubbles get bigger because there’s no pressure keeping them small. Big bubbles break up into a ton of small bubbles, and all the co2 still stuck in the soda really likes to stick to the small bubbles, making them bigger, which makes a chain reaction.

When you tap the can, those tiny bubbles that were stuck to the sides of the can pop off the sides and float to the top of the can. Then, when you open the can, instead of making big bubbles that co2 can stick to and grow the bubbles even more, they just pop, so there’s no bubbles for the co2 to stick to and escape the soda.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is a tap on top of pop? Is that like a bald man boop?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coworker did this. Always tapped his can before drinking. Swore it helped. One day I Shaked a can for a minute. Gave it 3 taps and opened it. Guess what? Half the can fizzed on the floor. Don’t tap the top, it’s pointless. Flick the sides or wait a bit.
Coworker didn’t always tap the can afterwards. Force of habit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Any can can be opened after 11 seconds. Shake the can as hard and much as you like. 11 seconds is what it takes. so tapping on the top is a way of buying time for the 11 seconds to pass.

Anonymous 0 Comments

GMM (Good Mythical Morning) on YouTube did a rather entertaining episode on this that u would recommend

Anonymous 0 Comments

How strange. Regardless of the truth or otherwise of this, I’d always been told it was the *bottom* of the can you were supposed to tap.

I came here expecting to read a bunch of similar comments, but now it seems I’m the only person here who thought that?