Eli5: why does the brain remember akward/cringe memories


I have been meaning to ask this, but why does the Brain suddenly remember the akward/cringe situations that happened years and years ago. But when someone asks about a happy event or something worthy, its hard to recall it

In: 12

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain is hardwired to remember traumatic or stressful events more clearly so you can better avoid them next time.

I would also say the question is somewhat subjective. i can remember far more happy memories clearly than unpleasant ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

**”the spotlight effect”**

akward/cringe memories are emotionally charged. When we experience something that is embarrassing or humiliating, our brains release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and it helps us to remember the event so that we can avoid it in the future.

Happy or positive events, on the other hand, do not typically trigger the release of cortisol. As a result, they are not as likely to be remembered as vividly or for as long.