Eli5: why does the country Liechtenstein exist? It’s an incredibly small country in Europe, why isn’t it just part of Switzerland or Austria?


Eli5: why does the country Liechtenstein exist? It’s an incredibly small country in Europe, why isn’t it just part of Switzerland or Austria?

In: 6939

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Lichtenstein exists to make Hilti brand tools. I believe Hilti is Lichtensteins largest employer

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard a story of how the Liechtenstein army went to fight in Italy back in ww2 with 50 troops, they went back home with 51 troops they made a friend on the way😅.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a tiny country but it’s a sovereign country that falls under the slate of rights Europeans believed nations have starting with the days of the Concert of europe. The Concert of Europe was a failed system in many ways but it did enforce the idea that you had to have a better reason to annex another state than “I want that thing.”

Liechtenstein exists because it didn’t fall under the unifying ambitions o men like Bismarck and Metternich during the unification phase of european history. If Austria had won the brotther’s war perhaps Liechtenstein would have been absorbed into a German union of some kind but Prussia had no interest in them and they had no interest in joining a Prussian state..

Anonymous 0 Comments
