Eli5 Why does the “directness” of sunlight change its heating effect


Bill nye says our change in seasons is largely due to the fact that the directness of the sunlight hitting a given place changes due to the earths tilt and position in its orbit.

Why does the directness of light create more heat (hitting at equator for example), while glancing light rays (hitting antarctica) produce less heat?

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9 Answers

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Shine a torch straight down on the floor in a dark room. It makes a perfect circle with the light, and heat, all concentrated within that circle.

Now tilt the torch so that the light hits the floor at an angle. Your circle turns into an eclipse or egg shape. The same amount of light and heat is more spread out so any point inside the eclipse is slightly cooler than the points inside the circle even though the same torch putting out the same energy produced both shapes of “light”.

The angle makes a difference.

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