Eli5: Why does the German Bundestag keep growing in size?


The German Bundestag has a minimum of 598 members, yet over the years (and legislative periods), the Bundestag has grown in size. It currently has 736 members. I know about “kumulieren” and “panaschieren”, and I know about the Überhangmandate (overhang- and equalisation mandates). However, how hard can it be to just always use the 598 as a basis and prevent the Bundestag from bloating up? Why does it increase in size in every legislative period?

In: 40

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Uff, i think it just comes down to the überhängmandate. Ist because of the complicated combination of ratio-election and person-election.

Am do think that the system of Übergangs und Ausgleichsmandate was created for a few big parties. Because we no have more smaller parties we need to equilateral more.

I think the more nteresting fact is, that is crazy hard to change the system. The Ampel did it this year, but this could mean that the CSU and Linke are not in the Bundestag anymore.

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