Abstracting from atmospheric phenomena that also influence it….
It’s because of the visible area. **Area = brightness.**
A full Sun is a circle and has the area of pi r squared. Half the sun is obviously 1/2 that.
The upper quarter of the circle (slicing at quarter diametre length) however is not 1/4 of the total area but closer to a 1/6. Then the upper eighth (slicing at eighth diametre length) of the circle is not 1/8 but about 1/13 of the area.
This means when the Sun is 1/8th below the horizon it’s the brightness is roughly 92%. When the Sun is 1/4th below the horizon the brightness is 83%. At half it’s 50%. Then when the Sun is 3/4ths below the horizon the brightness is 17% and when the Sun is 7/8ths below the horizon the brightness is less than 8%.
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