So sometimes when the urge to pee is really bad it’s bordering on painful, like after a long sleep or car drive, not that much comes out. But then other times when I’m just chilling at home and go for a pee with no urgency I pee like Seabiscuit. What gives? What causes you to need to pee so badly it hurts cuz it doesn’t seem like it’s a volume thing?
In: 1493
I had the same problem as most every male will have at some point. As you age the prostate gland continues to grow which places pressure on the urethra as well as the bladder. In my case the urologist removed a portion of the prostate and now I pee like an 18 yo. No cancer luckily and everything is fully functional. A urologist can do an ultrasound of the bladder and get a pretty good idea what is going on, this is not something to get diagnosed on reddit, go see an MD.
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