So sometimes when the urge to pee is really bad it’s bordering on painful, like after a long sleep or car drive, not that much comes out. But then other times when I’m just chilling at home and go for a pee with no urgency I pee like Seabiscuit. What gives? What causes you to need to pee so badly it hurts cuz it doesn’t seem like it’s a volume thing?
In: 1493
This sounds like some early stage BPH if you ask me. Sounds like you have urinary retention and the sheer volume of pee in the bladder when you hold it for a long time causes pressure on the enlarged prostate and in response it is contracting (like a muscle) and squeezing your urethra trapping all the urine inside the bladder, which is why you only get a lil sprinkle after holding for a long time (this prostate contraction normally occurs during sex and is why men don’t pee when we ejaculate, the prostate shuts the bladder off from the urethra, but it shouldn’t be shutting it off while peeing unless it is oversized). This is also probably why you pee a river amount when your just chilling and randomly go toilet, because your prostate is relaxed and let’s all of the urine saved up from the last unsuccessful toilet break finally come out.
Probs should ask if you’re a bloke coz this wouldn’t apply if you were a female. Either way urinary retention and urgency are never a good combination and it is not normal (despite all these people talking about “nerve irritation”) and you should probs go see your PCP and they might refer u to a urologist. Goodluck OP
various chemicals change the pH and the consistency of the pee which aggrivates the nerves that help determine how much volume you are holding (or maybe they know something we don’t) that trigger you to pee.
Higher pH, more likely to pee, such as coffee, alcohol, tea etc.
I dunno this is all from my urologist. Im a veteran of bladder cancer
No one has mentioned level of current hydration. When you are dehydrated your bladder likes or feels the need to get rid of the highly concentrated urine. When you are more hydrated the bladder doesn’t notice the urine as much because it is diluted hence not really feeling like you have to go when you have a huge bladder full of clearer liquid. My wife explains this better. Most of us are chronicly dehydrated.
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