eli5: Why does the serious urge to pee not correlate with the amount that comes out


So sometimes when the urge to pee is really bad it’s bordering on painful, like after a long sleep or car drive, not that much comes out. But then other times when I’m just chilling at home and go for a pee with no urgency I pee like Seabiscuit. What gives? What causes you to need to pee so badly it hurts cuz it doesn’t seem like it’s a volume thing?

In: 1493

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s about how used to the sensation you are. if you practice not peeing often, your tolerance would rise. then a small amount no longer makes you feel like you need to pee.

source: i cured my night time peeing session by holding it in while i’m awake. now when i actually feel a strong urge to pee, the thing is like half a liter’s worth of piss.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have the same thing and went to a urologist and apparently everything is good…he told me we all have different urination patterns and our “voiding” is different for everyone, what i noticed for myself is that when im hydrated it doesnt hurt and I’ll just go pee normally and theres lots coming out, when i havent hydrated in a while that’s when the sudden urge happen where it feels like I’m gonna pee myself and it hurts to pee and theres barely nothing coming out🤷 if you’re privileged enough to have access to a doctor/urologist i would still go my friend, rather be safe than sorry type thing