As of 2 days ago, your question is out of date. The US government has invented a new race called MENA that includes Arabs, Persians, Israeli Jews, and north Africans.
See here for details:
IMNSHO, no public good is achieved by assigning people to race. It perpetuates racism.
Race/ethnicity are often at the whim of the needs/mood of the times. Mexicans were sometimes considered white, sometimes not. In 1929, they were considered white. In 1930, the US wanted to limit non-white migration, so they changed the designation…then in 1942 it went back to white, because we needed the labor during WWII.
Dated an Afghani girl and she was whiter than me. The Caucasus Mountains for which the term Cacausian is derived, are in the middle east. People think Afghanistan is full of brown skinned people but they looks like this
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