Eli5: Why does tiktok know when I’ve downloaded a new game on my PS5?


Downloaded Hunt: Showdown, and tiktok immediately started showing me videos of the game. Didn’t speak the name out loud, didn’t text about it to anyone, didn’t google anything about it. Does Sony share info with tiktok, or could it have recognized the soundtrack of the game through my mic or something?

Edit: the phone is never on the wifi where the console is, so it’s not that.

In: 2100

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Welcome to the Bayou, hunter. Also you probably just accepted cookies that made that happen

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because TikTok can see your network traffic. Your PS5 connected to the Hunt: Showdown site and TikTok can look at your network’s recent traffic and think “Hey, this guy is into this game. I’ll throw a load of content your way”.

Same reason why when a friend or family member visits and connects to your WiFi and Google’s something, adverts for that start appearing on your phone.

E.g. “my friend had a baby. They brought the baby over. The next day I got adverts for baby products”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you read the terms and conditions of TikTok, you would know that they track data not only from your phone, but also devices connected to your wifi. Eg. game consoles, computers, other phones, nd Alexa.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the compiled data. TikTok collects massive amount of data and you gave them permission to do so.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If I remember correctly it’s was proven a good many years ago that TikTok spies on whatever network you connect to with your phone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Didn’t speak the name out loud

Wouldn’t matter if you did. Apps listening to you is a myth. Debunked many times. Your phone does not record, process, and upload audio 24/7. Your battery would be toast if it did, not to mention your cellular data usage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The extremely deep uncomfortably effective advertising and tracking business that knows every single thing you and others ever do. Creepy it is.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Drops starting next week. I have to assume you have linked some kind of accounts somewhere? Probably through that, but if you haven’t, get on it. Free stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even if we were to ignore data-sharing clauses in ToSes, nothing stops me from setting up an advertising platform that crawls every PSN profile, attempts to match the games they play with accounts on my social platform and target ads for that.

Unless you take steps to make your information private, assume that it is public. Also, stop using Tiktok if you care about privacy..