eli5: Why does working out helps so much with mental health?


I have OCD and working out ALWAYS makes me feel better whenever I have spikes. How does that work?

In: 896

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

another thing is exercise makes you tired and good deep sleep cycle helps mental health itself.Working out makes you sleep better which has many benefits

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s fairly well known that we respond to exercise with the release of endorphins, but there are other substances like endogenous opiates that have a mild pain relieving effect.

Another reason is blood flow. During exercise blood is shunted away from our internal organs so that muscles get a higher percentage of the body’s blood. So it may seem a little counterintuitive, but our heart rate increases so drastically that you increase the total amount of blood flowing through the brain. This allows us clean out the waste products in the brain and feel better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Exercise had been shown in many studies to promote the production of serotonin and dopamine, the two neurotransmitters responsible for making you feel good. Evolution has selected for physical activity to make us feel good, making it more likely for us to be physically active, which promotes our physical health. This is called a positive feedback loop, and is an example of one of the many, many positive feedback loops employed in your biochemistry.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Working out makes you release feel good chemicals. If you work out regularly, you are regularly getting the feel-good chemicals, and your body gets better at making them. Working out can also be a release for negative emotions. Also, feeling good physically can help improve your mood.

Working out can help in multiple ways.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from the actual scientific hormone related answers everyone else is giving, doing something really intense, like as intense as your racing thoughts are, helps to shock the body out of it, focus on the ohysical sensation, and then inadvertently your system gets tk take a break from the emotional stress. It’s basically a grounding technique

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our bodies evolved to be active. Activity produces feelings that we are doing something useful. Being useful means we are more likely to survive and be healthy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re exercising, you’re engaged enough in what you’re doing you forget you’re a body and experience the Beingness you naturally are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Taking a 60 min walk in the morning sun give more happiness. It just sets me up for the day and keeps me very motivated.

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Why is this marked NSFW?

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a nifty book called Spark which gets into a lot of the science in an easy to understand why. Basically exercise releases chemicals in the brain that help us feel and function better.