eli5: Why does working out helps so much with mental health?


I have OCD and working out ALWAYS makes me feel better whenever I have spikes. How does that work?

In: 896

40 Answers

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I usually don’t chime in but in this instance I’d like to share some personal takes, when I started actually exercising a lot (5-6 days per week while eating properly) I would notice abs, great skin, jaw line, I saw this version of myself over time and my confidence was through the roof I would wake up see this version of myself and be excited to go out and about, women would come and talk to me ask for my phone number, guys would give me compliments, that dark phase I went through where I was sort of over the average day to day life I haven’t achieved my goals it is what it is went out the door, it’s been freaking a great feeling since, can vouch looking after your body makes you feel much better

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