Eli5 Why doesn’t bleach get rid of ant trails


Why does ammonia and vinegar work, but not bleach?

In: 23

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ants leave a scented pheromone trail behind when they walk, which acts as a map for other ants to follow. To get rid of ant trails, you need to remove the scent and kill the ants.

Bleach may not be effective because it evaporates quickly and does not leave a residue that can mask the ant trail. Ammonia and vinegar, on the other hand, can neutralize the ant trail by changing its pH level. They also leave a residue that can deter ants from returning.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Former pest control tech, vinegar and water in a 1 to 1 solution, put it in a spray bottle. When you remove the ants from the house spray the trail.

Also you can follow the trail of ants back to where they enter the home all the way back to the nest.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is their target/goal still present? If yes then they know they can outlast you and won’t stop trying. Diatomaceous earth should make a barrier they won’t cross. Use that to push them back.