Eli5 why drivers lose control and crash powerful cars, often rentals, so often.


Eli5 why drivers lose control and crash powerful cars, often rentals, so often.

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7 Answers

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People who can buy a 2 million dollar car will generally learn to drive them at a special driving school first. The cost of the school is much less than the cost of the car, and the dealers will often recommend a particular driving school. People who rent those cars, though, usually have just enough money to rent it once, and they’ll want to get the most bang for their bucks, so they just take the car out and drive it hard. Those cars are capable of performance far beyond what most drivers are ready for, so they end up in spectacular crashes. Those crashes make the news, because people want to read about the idiot who smashed up a Bugatti more than the one who wrecks a Camry.

Of course, they’re not all rentals, because some very rich people are also very stupid, and a lot of them think that buying a fast car automatically makes them a great driver.

Actually, I think the short answer here is “People are stupid.”

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