Eli5 why drivers lose control and crash powerful cars, often rentals, so often.


Eli5 why drivers lose control and crash powerful cars, often rentals, so often.

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7 Answers

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“Rentals” aside, powerful cars are just that: powerful. Push the gas pedal down too far and maximum power goes to the 2 back wheels (typically). This is most prone to causing oversteer, where loss of traction causes the car rotates more than expected causing a loss of control and presumably this crash you refer to.

By contrast, most people are accustomed to front wheel drive, and much less powerful cars. With less power it’s harder to lose traction. If you do they’re prone to understeer meaning if you lose traction the car will rotate less than expected when turning.

Powerful cars sound cool, but they are just machines. They do as they are told and don’t care about property damage. Someone who doesn’t know how to operate them safely can absolutely make a mistake that causes a serious accident because they don’t know how to recover and haven’t practised that.

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