eli5 why foods taste so diverse if there’s only five tastes


I was searching for the distinction between “savory” and “umami” and apparently savory encompasses a variety of tastes. I agree that it does but wouldn’t those be tastes that exist in addition to umami and the other four tastes?

Also I know the nose can recognize many more different chemicals and that it plays a role in taste perception, but I’m pretty sure there’s more than five types of taste when I eat even without a sense of smell. This is IMO the kind of question that should be obvious but isn’t answered.

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sense of smell is more closely tied in with taste than you realise. There is some evidence for taste buds for other flavours beyond the five recognised, well, for fat at least. But a drastic increase to explain the subtle flavours we can taste without involving the nose seems unlikely.

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