Eli5 why grown ups do not fall down from the bed?


I am wondering why small kids ( even a few years old) fall down from the bed while changing their position but bigger children /adults do not, no matter how much they move while sleeping?

In: 2276

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to all of the wonderful responses, I would like to add that… you still CAN fall off the bed as an adult, it’s just not as common because of all of the reasons outlined.

I may have… anecdotal evidence for this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who told you they don’t? Happened to me this week…

Anonymous 0 Comments

I did fall out of bed once as an adult, when pregnant. I thought I was in the middle of the bed, rolled over to get to the edge, and fell right out of bed onto my side. Fortunately the babies were fine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I (38F) do fall out of bed regularly, but I have terrible proprioception. I also walk into doorframes, miss (or nearly miss) the chair when trying to sit down, and kick table legs and other furniture all the freakin time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ask my wife, recenzly she fell out of the bed.. and that didnt happened the first time.

Okay, granted, our bed is not as large. Okay okay.. i was cuddling up to her.. okay maybe when i turned over i accidentally pushed her out of the bed. But still, she “fell” out of the bed lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have slept in a king size bed for the past 38 years. Last year, I had to sleep in a twin bed for a week. On one of those nights I managed to fall out of bed while asleep. Luckily I landed on my hands and knees. Laughed about it in the morning. I was 59 at the time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hurts more as you get older so you learn to do it less 😀 …I dunno, I fall out maybe once a decade.

Seen a dog fall of the bed a couple times and they have the most bewildered expressions when they do — total incomprehension what just happened.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m 41 and rolled off my bed in my sleep a few months ago. Landed on my side, arm was sore for a few days. Co-workers had a good laugh when I told them about it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve recently fallen out of the bed several times and along with other symptoms are now being tested for a few things. If you are an adult and fall out of bed suddenly and it becomes common within 3 months, please tell your doctor

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have fallen out of a bed as an adult a few times. It was always either when I was in an unfamiliar place or had my sleep pattern disrupted.